tips for cold sores

Tips For Cold Sores – Essential Oils to Treat Fever Blisters

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Everyone at some time suffers from cold sores. They are nasty little blisters that appear on the outside of the lip and the mouth. They usually occur after a cold is gone and then recede after a few days. Many people develop them more than once they happen, they are extremely difficult to get rid of. The tips for cold sores discussed below can help you to get rid of these nasty little blisters and prevent them from coming back.

Home Remedies for Cold Sores

One of the best tips for cold sores that you can use is using homeopathic remedies. There are many types of homeopathic remedies that you can try. Some are better than others, but all are pretty effective in treating a cold sore. Most cold sores fade after 10 days, although sometimes it takes longer if you have a particularly bad breakout.

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to treat fever blisters. When applied to your lips, it helps to provide relief from a tingling sensation that is caused by the presence of the virus. It also slows down the progression of the virus which prolongs the recovery time.

Some people also swear by adding lysine to their diet. This is because lysine is an amino acid that slows down the progress of the herpes virus. There is a recommended daily intake of two or three hundred mg of lysine, but this can depend on what type of lysine you are eating. Foods like fish, chicken, egg whites and yogurt are good sources of lysine.

You should also consider applying an acv supplement to your lips. Acv supplements contain vitamins, minerals and trace minerals that will help to speed up your healing time. However, do not take any acv for several days as your body will begin to filter out the vitamins and minerals in the acv and they will not be able to be absorbed into your skin. If your sore has gone for more than a day, then an acv will not be effective. If you have had a cold sore in the past, then using an acv every day is highly recommended.

A final tip for treatment of fever blisters is to drink plenty of water, as this will help to flush out the toxins from your system. One of the main triggers of fever blisters is an accumulation of toxins in the blood stream. To avoid this, make sure you are drinking lots of water throughout the day. Tea tree oil, coconut oil and lysine can also be used to speed up recovery from a fever blister. These essential oils can be found in various stores, or you could try making a treatment using them at home.